Fisher Metal Detector CZ 3D User Manual

Deep Search, 4-Tone, Target I.D. Metal Detector  
F I S H E R R E S E A R C H L A B O R A T O R Y  
Your CZ-3D is an extremely advanced and sophisticated  
instrument. It is maximized for a very specific function - finding  
& properly identifying older era coins at older sites. Simply  
select the "enhance mode" with the utilization of the "salt/  
enhance" switch to find more rare coins!  
The CZ-3D was designed to find more good metals such as  
brass, bronze, copper, silver, and certain gold: reporting it  
as a high tone. In addition, a fourth tone has been added to  
distinguish between the midtone heard on round & square  
"pull tabs" and foil - this enhances your ability to recover gold  
With this detector, performance and ID can be further  
enhanced by a slower coil sweep speed, more so than previous  
CZ models, especially in trashy areas.  
Read this instruction manual thoroughly, practice often and  
you will be ready for some exciting treasure hunting. Drop us  
a line if you have any questions, comments or good finds to tell  
us about. In the meantime...  
Happy Hunting!  
Fisher Research Laboratory  
Your CZ-3D is fairly simple to operate, especially when compared  
to other target ID machines. Even so, we strongly recommend that  
you read this entire manual. You’ll be able to tune your CZ-3D to  
your specific needs and conditions. A good understanding what  
to do and why will lead you to more finds.  
If you can’t wait any longer, and you’re an experienced detector  
user, here’s some quick instructions to get you going:  
1. Set all the controls to the red numbered  
“Turn-On-And-Go” marks:  
GROUND = 5  
DISC = 4  
VOLUME = 5  
This puts you in a “coins-only” mode and you’re  
ready to start searching. Keep in mind that the  
GROUND setting of 5 is probably not the optimum  
setting for the ground you’re searching and that’s  
why the sensitivity level is set low—to reduce false  
signals caused by ground mineralization.  
2. If you’re using headphones, adjust the volume  
controls for a comfortable volume when the coil is  
passed over a large shallow object.  
3. Walk slowly, overlap your sweeps and keep the  
search coil moving. Remember you are in a “motion”  
search mode and the coil must be moving at least  
slightly to detect a target.  
4. When you get a good, repeatable signal, pinpoint  
the target by placing the coil on the ground away  
from the target, pushing and holding the pinpoint  
button and then bringing the coil back over the  
5. Once you’ve pinpointed the target, note the  
approximate depth reading on the meter, then  
identify it by releasing the pinpoint button and  
moving the coil side to side in short strokes over  
the target. The meter needle will lock onto the  
appropriate target classification.  
6. Happy Hunting!  
8-inch Spider  
search coil  
Drop-in battery compartments  
and cable connector at rear of  
housing(not shown)  
lower stem  
Removable control  
housing (belt loop on  
underside of housing)  
Foam hand grip  
Padded arm rest  
Nylon wing nut  
bushings, not  
lock nut  
lock nut  
Seven foot  
search coil  
Upper stem  
Built-in detector stand  
Figure 1. FISHER CZ-3D  
The CZ-3D comes to you just about ready to use. Take a look at the  
diagram above and familiarize yourself with the parts of the CZ-3D  
before proceeding.  
1. Unpack your new CZ-3D carefully. Save the carton  
and inserts for future storage or shipment.  
2. Take a look inside the locknut on the upper stem.  
Note the clear plastic locking pad on the left hand  
side and loosen the lock nut by rotating it fully  
3. Slip the lower stem into the center section.  
4. Adjust the stem length (using the guide pin & stem  
lock nut) and the coil angle (using the nylon wing  
nut) so the search coil rests flat on the ground about  
6 inches in front of, and slightly to the right of your  
right foot, (to the left of your left foot for left handers).  
Your arm should be straight and relaxed, with the  
grip held loosely.  
REMEMBER: The longer the shaft, the more you will  
have to bend your elbow and the sooner your arm  
will get tired. The CZ-3D is balanced for comfortable  
searching in a tight semicircle around the front of the  
5. With the stem length properly adjusted, wrap the  
loop cable tightly around the center section stem  
and secure it with the two Velcro straps. Connect  
the cable connector to the control housing.  
CAUTION: Make sure that the cable is not pulled tight  
at the control housing and that you have enough slack  
at the search coil to adjust it to any angle.  
6. With the shaft length and coil angle properly  
adjusted, you should be able to move into your  
“search” position (as shown in illustration below) by  
leaning forward very slightly and raising your arm (still  
straight) until the search coil is about 2 inches above  
the ground and 12 inches in front of your foot. The  
search coil should be parallel to the ground and may  
have to be slightly readjusted at this point.  
Adjust the stem length and coil  
angle so the coil rests flat on  
the ground about 6 to 12 inches  
in front of your foot. Move  
into your “search” position by  
leaning forward slightly and  
raising the coil about 2 inches  
off the ground. This should put  
the search coil out about 12 to  
18 inches in front of your foot.  
1. Disconnect the cable from the control housing and  
unwind all but the last twelve inches from the stem.  
Secure the lower end of the cable with a Velcro strap  
at least twelve inches up from the coil.  
2. Slide the control housing off the handle by holding  
the handgrip with one hand and pulling the housing  
towards you with the other hand.  
3. Reconnect the cable to the control housing. It is  
especially important that the cable connector  
be installed tightly to prevent false signals during  
hipmount use. Tight, but never tightened with  
anything but your hands.  
4. Put your belt through the slots on the underside of  
the housing.  
5. Left handers should wear the housing on their right  
hip and right handers on their left hip.  
NOTE: If you’re working in shallow water you may want  
to hang the control housing around your neck or chest-  
mount with Fisher’s Chest Harness. Just make sure  
you put it in a heavy plastic bag sealed tightly around  
the cable. Remember, the only thing waterproof about  
the CZ-3D is the search coil.  
1. GROUND: Used to electronically cancel the effects  
of ground mineralization. Proper use of this control  
will minimize false ground signals and insure that the  
CZ-3D is operating at its maximum potential in just  
about any ground condition including wet ocean  
2. DISC: In the 0 through 6 position the CZ-3D is in  
the target ID mode, which is a silent, no-threshold,  
motion-discrimination mode of operation with the  
ability to identify and then ignore (“reject”) or accept  
many kinds of small metal targets. In the AUTOTUNE  
position, the CZ-3D is in an all-metal mode. In this  
mode, the CZ-3D has a wider and deeper search  
pattern, however, it lacks the ability to discriminate  
or identify targets.  
3. PINPOINT/DEPTH READING: A three purpose, spring  
loaded push-button. When pushed and held, the  
CZ-3D goes into a no-motion, all-metal mode for  
precise pinpointing and approximate depth reading  
of coin-sized targets. This button is also used in  
conjunction with the GROUND control during the  
ground balancing procedure.  
4. SENSITIVITY/BATT TEST: In the extreme counter-  
clockwise position, the battery condition is checked  
as indicated by a strong or weak tone and a meter  
reading. Whenrotatedclockwise, sensitivitytotargets  
(as well as ground mineralization and electrical  
interference) is increased. When in the AUTOTUNE  
mode, this control also acts as a “threshold tone”  
5. HEADPHONES: This connector accepts most stereo  
6. MODE: ENHANCE position for dry land or shallow fresh  
water hunting. SALT position for wet-sand ocean  
beaches or hunting in shallow surf.  
7. VOLUME/OFF: Power on-off and volume control.  
targets continue to get louder (audio boost).  
1. Set your controls as follows:  
GROUND = 10  
DISC = 0 for normal use in target ID mode. (Set DISC  
to “Auto tune” for deep search, all-metal Auto tune  
2. Hold the search coil waist high, away from any nearby  
3. Turn the VOLUME control to 10. A brief bell tone is  
normal when you turn the VOLUME control on.  
If you’re in the Auto tune Mode, you’ll hear an audio  
“threshold” hum. Lower the SENSITIVITY control until  
you can just barely hear it.  
4. If you’re wearing headphones, reduce the headphone  
volume controls to a comfortable level when the search  
coil is passed over a large, shallow target.  
When your CZ-3D is properly “ground balanced,” it will have only  
a minimum response to ground mineralization. Precise adjustment  
of the ground control is critical. The higher the degree of ground  
mineralization or sensitivity setting, the more critical it is. Once you  
adjust it in either the Autotune mode or Target ID mode, you can  
switch back and forth between the two modes without resetting  
it, unless you increase the sensitivity level or go from dry sand  
to wet sand or vice versa. You should also recheck your setting  
occasionally as you search since ground conditions often change  
If you have difficulty ground balancing, try reducing your sensitivity  
level or moving to another spot just in case you are over a buried  
pieceofmetal. Insomeareasofhighgroundmineralizationyoumay  
not be able to use the “pushbutton” method.  
This will probably be your method of choice in all but the most  
difficult of ground conditions. It’s fast, easy and accurate. You can  
use this method in either the Autotune or Target ID mode.  
1. With your controls set as in the “Turn-On” procedure,  
(GROUND control at 10), hold the search coil parallel  
to and 6 to 12 inches off the ground. Press the  
PINPOINT button and hold it until you’ve completed  
step 2. Make sure you’re at least three feet away  
from any metal objects.  
2. Still pressing the PINPOINT button, lower the coil to the  
ground. Starting at 10, rotate the GROUND control  
clockwise until you hear an audio tone. Then back  
it off to the exact point where the tone disappears.  
Release the PINPOINT button and you’re ready to  
1. If you get an audio response as you first lower the coil with the  
GROUND control at 10, you’re probably over a piece of metal.  
Move and try again.  
2. If you get a sudden belltone not proceeded by an increasing  
audio response as you lower the coil, you’re probably in some  
very highly mineralized soil or sand. In this case, it’s best to use  
the “Bobbing” method.  
3. If you don’t get any audio response, or just a very faint one  
as you rotate the GROUND control from 10 all the way to 0,  
you’re probably in an area where there’s very little ground  
mineralization. Just leave the GROUND control at 10 and  
begin searching.  
4. Recheck your ground balance occasionally and make sure you  
haven’t accidentally moved the MODE switch.  
This method takes a little more practice, but you may find it slightly  
more accurate with fewer false signals from ground minerals.  
1. Set as in the “Turn-On” procedure, making sure the  
DISC control is at AUTOTUNE and the SENSITIVITY  
control is set so you can just barely hear a threshold  
hum. Hold the search coil parallel to and 6 to 12  
inches over the ground and at least three feet away  
from any metal objects. Do not use the PINPOINT  
button during any part of this procedure.  
2. Lower the coil to an inch or two above the ground  
and then quickly raise it. Note that as you lower the  
coil, the tone disappears, then gets louder as you  
raise it and finally returns to normal when you stop it  
6 to 12 inches above the ground. Conversely, if you  
set the GROUND control to 1, the threshold hum will  
get louder as you lower the coil and disappear when  
you raise it.  
3. Your objective now is to adjust the GROUND control  
so that there is no change, or only a minimum  
change in the threshold hum, as you move the coil  
up and down. Start by lowering the GROUND control  
to 9. Lower the coil and raise it again. One of three  
things will happen to your theshold hum:  
A It will fade again as you lower the coil and increase  
as you raise it. Continue to lower the ground  
balance setting in small increments until the  
threshold hum remains the same (or changes very  
little) as the coil is lowered and raised.  
B It will get louder as you lower the coil and go silent  
as you raise it. Increase the ground balance level  
(rotating the control counterclockwise) in small  
increments until there is little or no change in the  
threshold level.  
C The hum will remain the same, or if it changes  
slightly, the change is the same whether you lower  
or raise the coil. Your CZ-3D is properly ground  
balanced, and you are ready to begin your  
search. You have gone past the correct ground  
balance setting.  
4. With a little practice, you should be able to ground  
balance quickly by “bobbing” the coil up and  
down in a continuous movement as you adjust the  
GROUND control with your thumb.  
1. If you get an audio response as you first lower the coil with the  
GROUND CONTROL at 10, you’re probably over a piece of metal.  
Move and try again.  
2. If you get a sudden bell tone, not preceded by an increasing audio  
response, you’re probably in some very highly mineralized soil  
or sand. Instead of lowering the coil to an inch or two above the  
ground as in step 2 above, stop just before you hear the bell tone  
and ground balance as instructed. It will then be necessary to  
maintain that coil height as you search.  
3. lf you don’t get an audio response, or if the hum stays the same  
no matter where you set the GROUND controls as you bob the  
coil up and down, you’re probably in an area where there’s very  
little ground mineralization. Just leave the GROUND control  
at 10 and begin searching.  
Your CZ-3D has two search modes: 1) Target ID or 2) Autotune. Both  
search modes are “motion” modes, meaning the search coil must be  
in motion to detect a target.  
Set the DISC control to Autotune for a very sensitive, wide-scan, all-  
metal, motion search mode. Since this mode responds to all metal  
probably not be your normal search mode.  
The Autotune mode does have some advantages however which  
make it useful to use in at least two situations:  
1. Non-TrashyAreas.SincetheAutotunemodehasawider  
scan than the ID mode, you’re less likely to miss a good  
target when using it. Search in the Autotune mode until  
you find a target. Pinpoint the target using the PINPOINT  
it. The DISC control is positioned so that you can switch  
back and forth between Autotune and “0”.  
2. Highly Mineralized Soil or Sand. The Autotune Mode  
is recommended for black or gray sand beaches or  
highly mineralized soil. Under these conditions it may be  
in highly mineralized soil so this will be the search mode  
of choice for prospectors.  
When the DISC control is set in the 0 through 6 position, the CZ-3D has  
just how your CZ-3D responds to different targets, try the following:  
1. Scatter some sample targets such as coins, rings, pull  
Include some large targets as well; jar lids, soda cans,  
2. Set the DISC control at “0”, SENSITIVITY at “5”, MODE  
at ‘ENHANCE’, VOLUME at “10”. If you’re wearing  
headphones, reducethevolumetoacomfortablelevel  
3. Ground balance the CZ-3D as in the “Ground Balance”  
4. Holdthesearchcoilabouttwoinchesaboveandparallel  
to the ground and move it slowly back and forth across  
each sample. Remember, the coil must be in motion to  
the coil center must pass directly over the target.  
5. Note the response you get over small targets. For small  
iron or steel targets, the meter needle will usually lock in  
the “IRON” category. Most pull tabs, foil, nickels and the  
newer zinc pennies will also be correctly classified. Silver  
coins, copper coins, and the newer clad coins will ID in  
the highest category.  
and a single “beep” if you cross its center.  
7. MostsilverringswillIDatthehighestendofthescale.Ifyou  
and very few in the remaining coin categories. This is  
due to the fact that the combination of size, shape and  
conductivity of a particular ring will almost always add  
up to a target that is electronically identical to either a  
a difficult time separating gold rings, nickels, tabs, and  
foil, but, the patented circuitry of your CZ-3D can easily  
small pieces of foil.  
8. Note also the different audio responses:  
a) an iron target will give you a low tone  
b) foil a mid low tone  
c) tabs a medium tone  
d) coins a high tone.  
9. When you go over a large, shallow target the CZ-3D will  
respond with a distinctive belltone. This is due to thefact  
and identify a large target as “good” (silver, coin, etc.).  
Your CZ-3D, however, will alert you to the fact that the  
target is big and shallow and can not be accurately  
identified. Big deep targets, however, will usually be  
classified as a coin. Also, be aware that large coins on  
5 inch coil is more likely to overload than the standard  
8 inch coil.  
10. You may also note that some square tabs ID as round  
tabs and vice versa. Because of the wide variety of  
sizes, shapes and conductivity of the many pull tabs  
manufactured over the years, there is overlap as far as  
often misidentified. The tail of a round tab for example,  
may ID as a nickel. However, most tabs and most of  
the items on the CZ-3D meter face will be identified  
11. NowincreasetheDISCcontrolto1”.Youwillndthatthe  
either with an audio tone or needle deflection.  
12. Continue to increase your DISC control, noting that with  
each successive step up you reject more and more  
mode, ignoring iron, tabs and foil while accepting and  
copper coins.  
13. At the maximum DISC level of 6 the CZ-3D will ignore  
14. Now switch the DISC control to the AUTOTUNE position  
and note the completely different kind of response. No  
over every target.  
15. The chart on page 14 shows some of the responses  
you may expect over different targets and at different  
levels of discrimination. As you progressively increase  
the discrimination level, you eliminate more and more  
NOTE: Due to the virtually infinite variety of sizes, shapes and alloys  
of many “good” targets (relics, jewelry, foreign coins, etc.), they may be  
misidentified. For example, a Civil War mini ball may be identified as foil,  
or a new Canadian coin as a rectangular pull tab.  
--- GOLD RINGS ----  
#4 HI TONE  
#2 MID #3MIDLO #2 MID  
• “REAL WORLD - OTHER” = Probable reading of what all other  
detectors will ID the specified target as in real dirt.  
• “REAL WORLD - CZ-3D” =  
Most probable reading on the CZ-3D in ‘enhance’ mode.  
• Dirt exposed Indian Head Cent  
Trash /mid-tone  
• 1857-1864 White (nickel) Cent  
• U.S. 3-Cent Silver  
• U.S. Half-Dime; real dirt scenario  
• Silver Dime or Quarter; partial masking  
• Shield Nickel & ‘V’ Nickel; no/slight corrosion  
• Buffalo Nickel; mild corrosion  
• $2.50 Gold Quarter-Eagle  
• $5.00 Gold Half-Eagle  
• $10.00 Gold Eagle  
• $20.00 Gold Double-Eagle  
• Many Non-U.S. Coins  
Noteworthy: The older nickels that would previously read as a  
‘mid-tone/foil ID’ should now read as a ‘high-tone/nickel ID’. All  
other items in this list will now read ‘high-tone’ audio with either  
a ‘zinc cent’ or ‘high coins’ meter ID.This is due in part to infinite  
variables such as ground mineralization, multiple targets in close  
proximity, tilted coins, coins on edge or a combination thereof  
Happy "Enhanced" Hunting, Thomas J. Dankowski  
Good search techniques are as important to your success as having  
a good detector.  
1. MakesureyourCZ-3DisproperlygroundbalancedandtheMODE  
switch is in the proper position: SALT for wet ocean beaches,  
ENHANCE for just about every other situation.  
2. Decide which search mode you’re going to use, Target ID or  
Autotune. Recommended starting point: Target ID mode with the  
DISC control set at “4”.  
3. Set your SENSITIVITY control. Only experience will tell you how to  
set it in every situation but you’ll probably want to run it as high as  
you can. Recommended starting point: SENSITIVITY 5 . If you’re in  
the Autotune mode, set it so that you can just barely hear a slight  
audio hum.  
4. AdjustyourVOLUMEcontrol.Rememberthatasettingabove5will  
amplify the response of faint targets so they sound like a shallow  
or large target. Some searchers prefer not to use it above 5 so the  
audio response will give them some idea as to the depth and/or  
size of the target. Recommended starting point: VOLUME = 10. If  
for a comfortable, not-too-loud response over loud targets.  
5. Once you’ve got your controls properly set, begin your search  
by walking slowly and sweeping the search coil in a tight  
6. Keep the coil parallel to the ground and as close to the ground as  
practical. This is extremely important for maximum coverage and  
depth. If you’re searching on a lawn, you may set the coil right on  
the grass and slightly “scrub” it.  
7. Overlap your sweeps by at least 50%. Remember that your coil’s  
search pattern is conical and if you don’t overlap each sweep  
you’ll miss the deeper targets.  
8. Search in a methodical manner. Pay close attention to where  
you’re going and where you’ve been.  
9. Keep the search coil moving at a comfortable rate. Remember  
that the CZ-3D is a motion detector and responds only when the  
coil (or the target) is moving (except in the Pinpoint mode).  
10. Take your time. If you walk too fast you can’t overlap your sweeps  
and you’ll miss a lot of ground. If you swing your coil too fast you  
lose some sensitivity to deep and/or small targets.  
11. Figure 7 on the next page shows the CZ-3D search coil pattern  
and how it is affected by sweep speed, ground mineralization  
and search mode.  
When the stem length is properly  
adjusted, the CZ-3D is balanced for  
sweeping in a tight semicircle. Wide to  
the right for right handers. Wide to the  
left for left handers.Be sure to overlap  
your sweeps.  
Keep the search coil parallel and  
close to the ground at all times.  
1. Minimum Depth  
a. Very slow or fast sweep speed.  
b. Discrimination set at “6.”  
2. Good Depth  
a. Moderate sweep speed.  
b. Discrimination set at “4.”  
3. Maximum Depth  
a. Moderate sweep speed.  
b. Discrimination set at “0.”  
4. Missed Target  
Many targets within range will not  
be detected unless you closely  
overlap your sweeps.  
NOTE: Unlike other metal detectors, the discrimination level has little  
if any effect on the depth capability of the CZ-3D. Note however, that  
the all-metal, Autotune mode has a wider search pattern and may  
detect a little deeper. Depth is also determined by the size, shape  
and conductivity of the target as well as the sensitivity setting of  
the CZ-3D.  
Target location is quick and easy using the push-button Pinpoint  
mode. You do not have to keep the coil moving to get a  
response in this mode.  
1. Once the presence of a target is indicated by the  
“beep-beep” of your CZ-3D, simply move the coil  
away from the target area, and with the coil lightly  
on the ground or very close to it, press and hold  
the PINPOINT button. It doesn’t matter which mode  
you’re searching in, Autotune or Target ID.  
2. As you bring the coil back into the target area, still  
pressing the PINPOINT button, the audio volume and  
pitch will increase and the meter needle will swing  
to the right.  
3. When the needle, pitch and volume are at their  
highest points, stop the coil and move it forward  
and backward a couple of times, again stopping  
over the strongest response.  
4. Repeat one more time, side to side and then front to  
back, keeping the PINPOINT button pushed in and  
stopping over the spot where you get the maximum  
volume, pitch and meter reading. Your target should  
be directly below the center of your search coil.  
With a little practice, you’ll find that you don’t even  
need to look at the meter unless you want a depth  
NOTE: For quick and accurate pinpointing of strong  
signals from large or shallow targets, push and hold  
the pinpoint button with the coil very close to the  
approximate target area. This will “tune-out” most of  
your target so you will receive a response directly over  
it. You may also try reducing the sensitivity level and/  
or raising the coil so you can barely hear the signal.  
For very weak signals, make sure you press the  
PINPOINT button with the coil completely out of the  
target area. You may also try moving the coil closer to  
the ground or increasing the sensitivity and volume  
Pinpointing in either of the search modes is difficult and requires  
practice. but with practice you should be able to get the hang  
of it. Many CZ-3D operators don’t even bother with the Pinpoint  
mode unless they want a depth reading.  
In Target ID or Autotune, simply use the same basic procedure  
for the Pinpoint mode, moving the coil side to side and front to  
back over the target area, stopping over the strongest audio  
response. The only difference is that you should use as short a  
stroke as possible (4 to 6 inches is plenty). When you stop the coil,  
you will lose the audio signal. You MUST keep the coil moving at  
least slightly, to determine the location of the strongest signal.  
Target ID with the CZ-3D is quick and simple. Just keep in mind  
these four rules:  
A. You must be in the Target ID mode. If you’re searching in Auto  
tune, switch over to “0” on your DISC control.  
B. For accurate identification, the center of the search coil must  
pass directly over the target.  
C. There are many good targets, which are not classified by the  
CZ-3D. As mentioned earlier, gold rings for example may fall in  
just about any category except iron. Gold nuggets, depending  
on their size and shape, may fall into just about any category,  
the smaller nuggets falling on the lower half of the scale. So if  
you’renotjustlookingforU.S. coins, youshouldtestsomesample  
targets to determine what level of discrimination you want to  
work at and what targets you want to dig.  
D. Your CZ-3D will correctly identify most small targets most of  
the time, but it can be fooled. Large targets, uneven ground  
mineralization, a good target lying next to a bad target, and  
deep targets, are sources of error.  
Remember, the CZ-3D is designed to ID small, coin size  
targets only, and even some of these may be deep, bent,  
damaged, or corroded enough to give a false signal.  
1. Once you’ve located a target, pinpoint its exact  
location as in the “Pinpointing” procedure. Since  
accurate ID is dependent on accurate pinpointing, it  
is recommended that you always press the PINPOINT  
button rather than try to pinpoint your target in either  
the Autotune or Target ID mode.  
2. Once you’ve pinpointed your target, release the  
PINPOINT button. If you’re searching in the Autotune  
mode, switch over to DISC = 0. If you are already  
in the Target ID mode, just leave the DISC control  
where it is.  
3. Move the coil just enough, left-right-left, across the  
target to get a good signal. The meter needle should  
lock onto a target classification, which in turn will  
agree with the audio response (one of 4 tones)  
4. If you no longer get a meter reading or audio  
response once you’ve pinpointed the target, then  
you’re over something that falls below the DISC  
setting you’ve chosen and the CZ-3D is rejecting it.  
5. Here’s a quick and easy way to tell the difference  
between a small shallow piece of foil and a gold  
ring (or other possibly good target) without digging:  
if you get a good solid, “FOIL” ID, set the search  
coil down close to the target and then whip it  
rapidly across the target just once with what can  
best be described as a flick of the wrist. If the target  
disappears, it’s probably a small shallow piece of  
foil. If not, dig it up—it could be that gold ring you’re  
looking for. Practice this over some foil until you get  
the hang of it.  
6. Don’t be afraid to turn your sensitivity down. True,  
the higher the sensitivity, the deeper your CZ-3D will  
go and the more you’ll find. But that’s only under  
optimum conditions. If you’re getting a lot of false  
signals caused by electrical interference, ground  
mineralization or dense trash, lower your sensitivity. If  
youhavetobackitdownto4, 3oreven2toeliminate  
the falsing, do it. That’s what your SENSITIVITY control  
is for. You’ll be surprised at how much you might find  
in an area that would otherwise be unsearchable  
at high sensitivity levels.  
7. Set your discrimination at an appropriate level. If  
there’s very little trash in the area, set it low, say at  
iron discrimination and dig every good signal. If there  
is a lot of trash present and you’re mainly interested  
in coins, set the discrimination level high—you may  
even want to sacrifice nickels and zinc pennies in  
extremely trashy areas. If you’re looking for gold  
rings, relics, artifacts, or small ancient coins, you’ll  
have to set your discrimination level low. The best  
way to find out how low is to bury some sample  
targets or just dig everything for awhile until you get  
a feel for which target classifications will be the most  
8. Look for repeatable signals and don’t waste time  
on disappearing or one-way signals. If you hear a  
good beep but can’t repeat it when you go back  
over the target area, or if it beeps in only one sweep  
direction, it’s probably a piece of trash—something  
below your discrimination setting.  
9. If you’re in a relatively non-trashy area, try searching  
in the Autotune mode and then identify your targets  
by switching to DISC = 0. You’ll find more and deeper  
targets this way.  
10. If you’re having any difficulty pinpointing or identifying  
a target in the ID mode, don’t waste any more time.  
Push the pinpoint button for quick pinpointing then  
release it for accurate ID.  
11. IfyourtargetdisappearswhenyougointothePinpoint  
mode, you’ve probably tuned it out by pressing the  
button too close to the target or over another piece  
of metal. Try again, this time pushing the PINPOINT  
button over another piece of ground.  
12. Don’t waste a lot of time digging holes for targets  
you can’t find if your hole keeps getting deeper and  
wider, cover it up and go on. You may be over a  
buried pipe or some other large deep target.  
Your CZ-3D will give you a quick and approximate depth reading  
of coin-size targets, usually within an inch.  
1. Place the search coil lightly on the ground at least  
twelve inches away from your target area.  
2. Press and hold the PINPOINT button.  
3. Still pressing the PINPOINT button, bring the coil back  
over the target and pinpoint its location by stopping  
the coil over the point where you get maximum  
pitch, volume and needle response.  
4. Place the search coil lightly on the ground directly  
over the target, and still pressing the PINPOINT  
button, note the position of the needle over the  
depth reading scale. For example, if the needle is  
midway between the four inch and six inch marks,  
your target is approximately five inches deep.  
You will quickly realize that the depth reading  
procedure is just like pinpointing, however there is  
one very important difference: When pinpointing,  
where or when you press the pinpoint button is not  
real critical. It is often desirable to “detune” your  
target by pressing the button when the search coil  
is very close to your target and either on the ground  
or slightly above it. When taking a depth reading,  
however, it is important that the coil be placed lightly  
on the ground at least twelve inches away from  
the target (or any other metal) before pressing the  
PINPOINT button. Also, remember that while you can  
pinpoint just about any size target, depth reading is  
only accurate for coin size targets.  
Once you have identified and pinpointed a target, your objective  
is to recover it quickly and neatly, leaving virtually no trace of your  
excavation. There are almost as many ways to do this, as there  
are treasure hunters. Whatever works for you is good enough as  
long as you don’t break any laws, damage vegetation, or leave  
uncovered holes. Generallyspeaking, beachcombersdolittleifany  
damage to the environment while recovering targets. However, if  
you plan to use your CZ-3D on lawns or in parks, your target recovery  
method can be very important. Two of the most successful methods  
are illustrated in a separate booklet "Origin of the M-Scope/Target  
Recovery" enclosed with your detector .  
1. Use headphones. You’ll hear fewer distracting sounds  
and more target sounds. And you’ll find more.  
2. It’salwaysagoodideatowalkslowlyandoverlapyour  
sweeps. But if you’re searching large expanses of new  
territory you may want to walk a little faster and not  
overlap your sweeps as much until you start making a  
few good finds. Then, slow down, overlap your sweeps  
and cover every inch of ground.  
3. In trashy areas, to reduce the “masking” effects of  
trashonnearbygoodtargets, useashorterandslower  
sweeppattern. Also, theoptionalsmaller5-inchsearch  
coil will zero in on good targets closer to trash.  
4. When in doubt, dig. If your CZ-3D can’t quite decide  
whether a target is good or bad, dig it up.  
5. Goodthingsoftencomeintwos. Oreventhrees. Once  
you’ve recovered a good target, always recheck  
the hole for a second signal and carefully search the  
immediate area by walking slowly around the hole  
twoorthreetimes, overlappingyoursweepsinanever  
vicinity of a good find.  
6. Recheck your hole even if your find was trash. Good  
targets are often found beneath the bad ones.  
7. Practice. Practice over known targets. Practice ground  
balancing. Practice pinpointing. Reread the appropriate  
part of this manual if you’re having problems.  
NOTE: Whichever method you choose, remember that responsible  
treasure hunters take pride in their ability to leave soil and vegetation  
intact and undamaged.  
A heavy duty blunt screwdriver, sturdy hunting knife, or garden  
trowel are commonly used. Made especially for the Hobby of  
Metal Detecting are several well designed sand scoops, trowels,  
and digging tools . See your local dealer for more information.  
A “False Signal” occurs when something sounds like a good  
target, but is not. Your CZ-3D does a great job of discriminating,  
but bad “targets” with similar electrical characteristics can fool  
it. Large pieces of trash or items very close to the search coil will  
occasionally sound “good”. Experience is the best teacher. As  
you accumulate more hours with your CZ-3D, you will soon learn  
how to distinguish “false signals”. Initially when you pass over a  
target, and get a good response, you will find that crossing over the  
target once or twice more, the signal will break up or completely  
The following are some sources of false signals and the solution:  
1. Electrical Interference: Caused by radio and TV towers, power  
lines, or other metal detectors.  
SOLUTION: Move farther away from the source, slow down the  
sweep speed, or lower the sensitivity.  
2. Highly Mineralized Soil: Soils with a high iron or salt content.  
SOLUTION: Reduce the sensitivity, raise the discrimination level or  
readjust the ground adjust setting..  
3. Extremely Trashy Areas: May result in a lot of “chatter”.  
SOLUTION: adjust the discrimination level or reduce the sensitivity.  
In some areas, a smaller coil will be beneficial to better achieve  
target seperation.  
4. Metal Interference: The CZ-3D will pick up metal ABOVE and  
on the SIDE of the coil, as well as under. WATCH FOR: Large metal  
structures, your digging tool, metal in shoes and your coil cable  
hanging loose above the coil.  
Coin lying at an angle  
or on edge.  
Long ferrous object (nail).  
Large deep target  
(water pipe).  
Your CZ-3D doesn’t require a lot of care. It’s built with high quality  
materials but there are a few things you should do to keep it in  
peak operating condition.  
1. If you’re not going to be using it for a while, take  
the batteries out. Acid damage caused by leaking  
batteries can be severe.  
2. Avoid extreme temperatures. Don’t leave it inside  
a closed car sitting in the sun, or even worse, the  
trunk of a car.  
3. If you “scrub” the search coil on the ground, you’ll  
eventually wear through the bottom of the coil.  
Replacement coils are expensive. Instead, invest in  
a coil cover. They’re cheap.  
4. Keep your CZ-3D dry and clean. If you’ve been  
working in or around salt water or dust, wipe it down  
with a damp cloth and dry it with a hair dryer (low or  
no heat) or dry cloth. Remove and clean the lower  
stem. Keep the lock nut free of sand and dirt.  
Laws governing the use of metal detectors are becoming more  
and more common. In many countries, the use of metal detectors  
is illegal or severely restricted. Don’t let this happen in your area.  
ALWAYS get permission to hunt on private property.  
ALWAYS leave a site cleaner than you found it. Take at least some  
trash with you or, if you can, take it all.  
ALWAYS fill in your holes neatly whether you’re in a city park  
or remote wildernessness. Leave the land as it was before you  
disturbed it.  
ALWAYS obey all laws relating to treasure hunting.  
ALWAYS return valuable property if you can locate the original  
ALWAYS do whatever you can to give the hobby of treasure  
hunting the good image it needs and deserves.  
Check your batteries frequently by clicking the SENSITIVITY control  
counter clockwise into the BATT test position. The condition of the  
batteries will be indicated in two ways:  
1) An Audio Tone. The stronger the better. A loud, high-pitched  
tone indicates good batteries. A weak, low-pitched tone  
indicates weak batteries.  
2) A Meter Reading. Replace the batteries when the needle falls  
below gray BATT area. Two nine volt transistor batteries are  
located in a compartment at the rear of the housing. Always  
replace both batteries at the same time. You may also use  
rechargeable Nicads but expect about 1/2 the battery life  
of an alkaline battery.  
1. Remove the battery door by loosening the two  
captive screws.  
2. Tilt the housing slightly and the batteries will slide out.  
3. Install the new batteries. Make sure the contact end  
goes in first and that you match the polarity markings  
on the battery door.  
If either or both of the batteries are installed incorrectly,  
the CZ-3D will not turn on. The instrument will not  
be damaged.  
4. Finger tighten the screws down snugly. Do not use a  
screwdriver or other hand tool.  
LENGTH 2 .............................Extended.......................................................51"  
..............................................Collapsed 3 ................................................. 41”  
WEIGHT 2 ...........................Complete ............................................... 3.7 lbs  
Control Housing...................................... 1.5 lbs  
Handle and Coil..................................... 2.2 lbs  
FREQUENCY .....................................................................................................  
1. Multiple Frequency Transmit &  
Dual, VLF Receive4 .........5 KHz and 15 KHz  
................................................. 2. Target Response:  
................................................. Iron ID...........................................200 Hz (LO)  
................................................. Foil ................................... 350 Hz (MID LOW)  
Tabs............................................450 Hz (MID)  
Coin ID............................................1 KHz (HI)  
................................................. Auto tone................... 500 Hz -1 KHz (VCO)5  
Pinpoint/Depth......... 500 Hz -1 KHz (VCO) 5  
OPERATING MODES ........................................................................................  
Auto Tone - VLF-Motion 6, all metal with threshold tone  
Target ID - VLF Slow Motion 6, silent search discrimination Meter.. Lock on 7  
PINPOINT/DEPTH .................... VLF, all metal, no motion  
Drop-in, no wires.................... Yes  
Type ........................................ Two, 9-Volt Alkaline 7  
Life........................................... 10-20 hours 2  
SPECIAL FEATURES ...........................................................................................  
Manual Ground Adjust......... Yes  
Manual Threshold Tuning ..... Auto tune mode only  
Wet Sand Operation ............ Yes 8  
Handle Mount/ Hip Mount... Yes  
Audio Output Jack .............. Stereo Headphones(Optional)  
Faint Target Audio Boost ...... Yes 9  
Speaker .................................. Yes  
Tone........................................ 4 tones plus bell tone for large shallow targets  
Universal Arm Rest/Detector Stand  
SEARCH COIL...................................................................................................  
Type ........................................ Concentric, Co-planar Spider Coil  
Diameter ................................ 8"  
Shielding................................. 100% ESI10  
Interchangeable .................. Yes  
Submersible............................ Yes  
OPTIONAL ITEMS............................................................................................................  
Coil covers, hard carrying case, 10 1/2" Spider coil, 5" search coil, carry  
bag, holster, Fisher phones, stereo phones  
1. Subject to improvement or modification without notice.  
2. Approximate.  
3. The CZ-3D disassembles to fit into an optional carrying case measuring  
approximately 6" x 21" x 15".  
4. The CZ-3D Fourier Domain Signal Analysis transmits multiple frequencies  
simultaneously and processes two received frequencies for deeper  
target ID in mineralized soil.  
5. VCO: Voltage Controlled Oscillator. Volume and frequency increase as  
target is approached for pinpoint accuracy.  
6. The CZ-3D is a motion detector in the AUTOTUNE and Target ID modes. The  
search coil must be moving at least slightly to detect a target.  
7. For maximum performance and battery life, always use Alkaline Batteries.  
8. Compensates for salt water and sand minerals simultaneously.  
9. Volume control limits loud-target response, amplifies faint targets when  
level is set above 5.  
10. ESI: Electro-Static Insulated to eliminate certain types of false signals.  
Fisher detectors are renowned for their quality construction.  
In the Fisher tradition, each and every detector  
is hand crafted with pride.  
Since 1931, treasure hunters worldwide have relied on Fisher.  
Proven in the field durable, dependable, deeper.  
Dr. Fisher invented the first patented metal detector over 70  
years ago. Today, Fisher continues to set the standard  
by which all detectors are judged.  
Fisher is committed to providing you, our valued customer, with  
superior service. Each and every instrument is rigidly tested and  
carefully inspected during assembly and before shipment.  
Should you have any questions or problems, contact:  
200 West Willmott Road  
Los Banos, California 93635  
tel 209.826.3292 fax 209.826.0416  
280 State Street, Suite 202  
North Haven, CT 06473 USA  
Tel 203.230.4130 Fax 203.248.8093  
email: fi[email protected]  

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